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hundreds of sales calls

Aggregated insights across all calls, email and Slack.

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Why Vectro?

  • Customized and specific to your organization.

Our Customers

For Sales Managers

Quickly identify which sellers and which deals need help

Automated Scorecards for every call.

Enable a consistent sales proces

  • Generate customized calibration reports and scorecards
  • Customized for your organization
for sellers

Never worry about updating CRM manually

Auto-update CRM with Qualification frameworks like MEDDIC, BANT, SPIN

FOR PMM & Product Managers

Get custom insights on objections, personas and pain points with a human in the loop


“Identifying collateral gaps is a tough problem, with Vectro’s Insights we were able to get a punchlist of objections and pain points for collateral creation which in turn supercharged our sales team.”

Identifying collateral gaps is a tough problem, with Vectro’s Insights we were able to get a punchlist of objections and pain points for collateral creation which in turn supercharged our sales team.

- CEO at Propelo

“Vectro has saved us 10-15 of hours of call review time per month, resulting in higher productivity and a focus on revenue-generating opportunities. (Link to Case Study)”

Vectro has saved us 10-15 of hours of call review time per month, resulting in higher productivity and a focus on revenue-generating opportunities.

- Head of Retail Sales at Ascend

Click here to view case study


Lessons from Prompt Engineering

Prompt Engineering lessons, #promptengineering #customizedinsights #genai #gottapromptrightway

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What has been your magic moment with ChatGPT?

#magicmoment @chatgpt

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Interview with Thomas Dockstader

Sales Leadership

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